Putting a price on carbon can have a large-scale impact on climate change. 

By raising the price of oil, coal, and gas, we can motivate consumers and producers alike to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while spurring innovation and investment in climate-friendly technologies.

Nine bills now in Congress call for some form of carbon pricing. Join the many environmental organizations, faith groups, business leaders, mayors, and others to support this vital national policy! 


Supporting carbon pricing can:

  • Promote more efficient use of energy

  • Promote replacing fossil fuels with low-carbon energy (like wind and solar)

  • Promote energy innovation

  • Generate revenues to support transition and fight climate change


Did you know?

  • More than 3,500 economists, including 27 Nobel laureates, agree that “A carbon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary.” 

  • Climate champion Al Gore writes, “We need to place a direct or indirect price on carbon pollution to encourage the use of cheaper, sustainable alternatives that are already out there.”

  • Since Sweden imposed a carbon tax in 1991, it has slashed carbon dioxide emissions by 25 percent while enjoying enviable GDP growth. 

  • A 2018 study reported that a modest carbon price introduced in the United Kingdom in 2013 has led to “world-leading progress in reducing the carbon emissions from power generation” and one of the world’s strongest markets for electric vehicles.


Follow these easy steps to support carbon pricing:

1. Learn about carbon pricing solutions

2. Join an organization that advocates for carbon pricing 

3. Ask elected officials to support carbon pricing 

4. Support political candidates who prioritize carbon pricing


Here are some local resources to help you learn about carbon pricing in the Bay Area.

In our area, Green Change is working with Citizens’ Climate Lobby and some of their local chapters are listed below. More resources will be added here over time.

Marin County

Sonoma and Mendocino Counties

San Francisco

Alameda County

Silicon Valley North

Silicon Valley South

This listing focuses on Marin and nearby counties at this time. More locations coming soon.


This page was created by members of the Green Change Network and our partners, including Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Thanks to all our contributors!

Editors: Al Grumet, Fabrice Florin, Jonathan Marshall

Researcher: Marilyn Price

Photo: Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Videos: World Bank, Citizens’ Climate Lobby

To contribute more info or report an error, please email us. We will update this page periodically, based on your feedback.

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