We invite you to use our Green Change Calendar of climate-related events in our area — and around the world.

Please note that this calendar is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all environmental events taking place around the world. Our small team features only the most prominent events we hear about, aiming for a mix of local, regional, national and international events.

We welcome your suggestions of local climate action events to share on this calendar. Please email us to suggest an event, or to report an error.

This calendar is curated by Marilyn Price and the Green Change Network team, in collaboration with our partners.

If you use Google Calendar, we invite you to add it as an overlay to your own calendar, if you like.

If you have your own site, you are also welcome to embed this calendar on your site, as long as you include a courtesy credit and link back to this calendar page on our Green site, so others know how to share this calendar with their own communities.

Please email us to request a copy of that embed code. Here are Google’s instructions to embed that code on a web page.

We hope you enjoy this free community service!