How can we live more lightly on the earth?

If everyone lived like the average American, we would need 5 Earths to support our current lifestyle!

As climate change threatens all our lives, we can all make a difference by adopting a less materialistic lifestyle and making better use of our limited natural resources.

To help you live more sustainably, here are our favorite resources and tips about simple actions you can take in your daily life, to protect our lives and environment.



Here are just some of the actions you can take to live lightly on the earth:

  • Eat sustainably

  • Consume less

  • Shop wisely

  • Use less plastic

  • Reduce your waste

  • Walk or bike more


Here are some green tips for living lightly, prepared by climate action experts and members the Green Change community. 

We invite you to take some of those actions and live sustainably!


Here are some local resources to help you live a meaningful life.

Marin County

Bay Area



This page was created by members of the Green Change Network and our partners. Thanks to all our contributors!

Editors: Fabrice Florin, Lily Cohen, Bridget Mazzini, Marilyn Price

Researchers: Lily Cohen, Fabrice Florin, Tom Flynn, Bridget Mazzini, Marilyn Price

Photo: Fabrice Florin, NASA

Videos: The Story of Stuff

To contribute more info or report an error, please email us. We will update this page periodically, based on your feedback.

This action is featured on our Living Lightly page, where you can find more actions to consider. Go green with us!

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