How can we help each other live more sustainably?

Learn how to protect our lives and environment by taking simple actions like: consume less, use less plastic, eat less meat, ride a bike, or walk more.

Take one of these actions and live lightly on the earth!



Here are some green tips for living lightly, prepared by climate action experts and members the Green Change community. 

We invite you to take some of those actions and live sustainably!



This page was created by members of the Green Change Network. Thanks to all our contributors!

Editors: Fabrice Florin, Tom Flynn, Al Grumet, Marilyn Price

Researchers: Lily Cohen, Fabrice Florin, Tom Flynn, Al Grumet, Bridget Mazzini, Marilyn Price

Photo: Fabrice Florin

Video: Keb’ Mo’ with Taj Mahal, YouTube, Zoom Video by Fabrice Florin

To contribute more info or report an error, please email us. We will update this page periodically, based on your feedback.

For more climate actions, visit our Take Action page. Go green with us!

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